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Bauklimatik-Dresden Downloads

Die folgende Liste enthält alle auf dieser Seite zum Download bereitstehenden Dateien. Um sich die neuesten Änderungen (changelog) anzusehen, klicken Sie bitte auf das Buchsymbol rechts bei der jeweiligen Software.

Nähere Informationen zu den Programmen und Tutorials gibt es auf den jeweiligen Programmseiten für COND, DELPHIN und THERAKLES.

Wählen Sie Ihr(e) Betriebssystem(e) für die gewünschten Software-Produkte


COND - Windows 32-Bit/64-Bit 2.4.4 Cond_2.4.4_win_2024-08-07.exe11.2 MB Deutsch English Italian Open the changelog file for /downloads/cond/Cond.changelog
COND - Linux 64-Bit 2.4.4 Cond_2.4.4_linux_2024-08-15.7z3.6 MB Deutsch English Italian Open the changelog file for /downloads/cond/Cond.changelog
COND - MacOS 64-Bit 2.4.3 Cond_2.4.3_macosx_2023-08-25.dmg15.8 MB Deutsch English Italian Open the changelog file for /downloads/cond/Cond.changelog
COND - MacOS 64-Bit 2.4.1 Cond_2.4.1_macosx_2021-02-02.dmg16.4 MB Deutsch English Italian Open the changelog file for /downloads/cond/Cond.changelog
COND - MacOS 64-Bit (OSX 10.7 or newer) 2.1.3 Cond_2.1.3_osx10.7.5_macosx_int.dmg11.4 MB Deutsch English Italian Open the changelog file for /downloads/cond/Cond.changelog


DELPHIN 6 - Windows 64-Bit 6.1.7 Delphin_6.1.7_win64_2025-01-02.exe25.2 MB Deutsch English French Italian Open the changelog file for /downloads/delphin/Delphin.changelog
DELPHIN 6 - MacOS 64-Bit 6.1.7 Delphin_6.1.7_macosx_2025-01-23.dmg47.6 MB Deutsch English French Italian Open the changelog file for /downloads/delphin/Delphin.changelog
DELPHIN 6 - Linux 64-Bit 6.1.7 Delphin_6.1.7_linux_2025-01-02.7z21.3 MB Deutsch English French Italian Open the changelog file for /downloads/delphin/Delphin.changelog
DELPHIN 6 - MacOS 64-Bit 6.1.6 Delphin_6.1.6_macosx_2023-08-25.dmg46.2 MB Deutsch English French Italian Open the changelog file for /downloads/delphin/Delphin.changelog
DELPHIN 5.9.6 - Windows 32-Bit - en 5.9.6 Delphin_5.9.6_win_en.exe36.2 MB English Open the changelog file for /downloads/delphin/Delphin.changelog
DELPHIN-Solver 5.9.6 - Linux 64-Bit - en Delphin-solver_5.9.6_linux_2020-03-07.zip1.2 MB English Open the changelog file for /downloads/delphin/Delphin.changelog


POSTPROC 2 - Windows 64-Bit 2.5.3 PostProc_2.5.3_win64_2025-02-09.exe10.1 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/postproc/PostProc.changelog
POSTPROC 2 - MacOS 64-Bit 2.5.3 PostProc_2.5.3_macosx_2025-02-09.dmg14.3 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/postproc/PostProc.changelog
POSTPROC 2 - Linux 64-Bit 2.5.3 PostProc_2.5.3_linux_2025-02-09.7z2.2 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/postproc/PostProc.changelog
POSTPROC 2 - Windows 64-Bit 2.5.2 PostProc_2.5.2_win64_2024-07-10.exe10.1 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/postproc/PostProc.changelog
POSTPROC 2 - MacOS 64-Bit 2.5.2 PostProc_2.5.2_macosx_2024-07-10.dmg14.3 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/postproc/PostProc.changelog
POSTPROC 2 - Linux 64-Bit 2.5.2 PostProc_2.5.2_linux_2024-07-10.7z2.2 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/postproc/PostProc.changelog
POSTPROC 2 - Windows 64-Bit 2.5.1 PostProc_2.5.1_win64_2024-06-27.exe10.1 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/postproc/PostProc.changelog
POSTPROC 2 - MacOS 64-Bit 2.5.1 PostProc_2.5.1_macosx_2024-06-27.dmg14.3 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/postproc/PostProc.changelog
POSTPROC 2 - Linux 64-Bit 2.5.1 PostProc_2.5.1_linux_2024-06-27.7z2.2 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/postproc/PostProc.changelog
POSTPROC 2 - Windows 64-Bit 2.5.0 PostProc_2.5.0_win64_2024-06-10.exe10.1 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/postproc/PostProc.changelog
POSTPROC 2 - MacOS 64-Bit 2.5.0 PostProc_2.5.0_macosx_2024-06-10.dmg14.3 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/postproc/PostProc.changelog
POSTPROC 2 - Linux 64-Bit 2.5.0 PostProc_2.5.0_linux_2024-06-10.7z2.2 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/postproc/PostProc.changelog
POSTPROC 2 - Windows 64-Bit 2.4.0 PostProc_2.4.0_win64_2023-11-26.exe10.1 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/postproc/PostProc.changelog
POSTPROC 2 - MacOS 64-Bit 2.4.0 PostProc_2.4.0_macosx_2023-11-26.dmg14.2 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/postproc/PostProc.changelog
POSTPROC 2 - Linux 64-Bit 2.4.0 PostProc_2.4.0_linux_2023-11-26.7z2.2 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/postproc/PostProc.changelog
POSTPROC 2 - Windows 32-Bit 2.2.3 PostProc_2.2.3_win_2021-02-22.exe7.7 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/postproc/PostProc.changelog


THERAKLES - MacOS 64-Bit 3.4.2 Therakles_3.4.2_macosx_2023-08-25.dmg23.9 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/therakles/Therakles.changelog
THERAKLES - Windows 32-Bit 3.2.1 Therakles_3.2.1_win_2018-07-18.exe13.9 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/therakles/Therakles.changelog
THERAKLES - Windows 64-Bit 3.2.1 Therakles_3.2.1_win64_2018-07-18.exe17.5 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/therakles/Therakles.changelog
THERAKLES - MacOS 64-Bit 3.2.1 Therakles_3.2.1_macosx_2018-07-18.dmg18.1 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/therakles/Therakles.changelog
THERAKLES - Linux 64-Bit 3.2.1 Therakles_3.2.1_linux_2018-07-19.7z5.8 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/therakles/Therakles.changelog
THERAKLES PROFESSIONAL - Windows 64-Bit 3.4.2 TheraklesPro_3.4.2_win64_2023-08-28.exe12.6 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/therakles/TheraklesPro.changelog
THERAKLES PROFESSIONAL - MacOS 64-Bit 3.4.2 TheraklesPro_3.4.2_macosx_2023-08-25.dmg24.5 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/therakles/TheraklesPro.changelog
THERAKLES PROFESSIONAL - Linux 64-Bit 3.4.2 TheraklesPro_3.4.2_linux_2023-08-28.7z5.2 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/therakles/TheraklesPro.changelog

Release notes for TheraklesPro_3.4.2_linux_2023-08-28.7z » Schließen

Um eine ältere Therakles Version zu aktualisieren, installieren Sie Therakles
mittels dieses Installers einfach über die alte Version. Ihre Einstellungen und
Projekte bleiben erhalten. Sie sollten jedoch alle von Ihnen geänderten
Materialien oder Beispiele vorher sichern.

To replace/update an older Therakles version, simply install Therakles anew with
this installer on top of the old version.
To be sure please store your own materials and examples.


3.4.2 - 2023-08-18
- new output in report with overtemperaturehours for a given set of temperature limits (chart and table)
- material equality check extended to moisture properties
- Material database update

3.4.1 - 2022-02-18
- outputs for overtemperature hours and window shading factor added
- month name in chart axis changed

3.4.0 - 2020-12-07
#89 - settings for user defined shadings stored
#81 - construction database with keywords and filter functionality
#94 - duplicate construction crash fixed
#90 - store maximum value for schedule views
#68 - structural shading with overhang and sidefins implemented
#71 - selection of other side temperature file in construction view with file open dialog
#92 - Report - list shading constructions
#36 - Report - documentation air change (year, cold and hot week)
#34 - Report - show shading schedules (user defined)
#91 - Report - table with details for windows
#93 - Report - table with details for materials
- Report: show shading value chart for structural shadings
- Report: window table changed (show shading system and structural shading)
- selection of windows and construction from construction view as dialog with filter
- file selector for structural shading files added

3.3.0 - 2019-07-23
- construction edit improved (with sketch, delete, add, move layer)
#65 - dialog for selecting materials from database added (with filter and sorting)
#66 - thickness of layers in cm
- new DIN 4108-2 dialog with more options and more descriptions
- passive cooling for DIN 4108-2 added
- copy of constructions and materials in database implemented
- results overview table added

3.2.2 - 2018-12-19
- set for max values in schedule widgets implemented
- translation update
- about text for pro version added
- fix number conversion for german locale for const temperature of other side rooms

3.2.2 - 2018-09-19
#16 - date and time in hourly loads now in DateTime format
#18 - strange popup while starting Therakles fixed
#25 - Link to TRAC for reporting errors added to about text
#35 - unit for ventilation rates changed to 1/h
#48 - new license text for free version
#49 - moisture loads now related to m2
#51 - wrong report layout fixed
#52 - error while setting file path for temperature of adjacent zones fixed
#53 - cooling model uses now also an adaptive control factor
#55 - temperature files for adjacent zones now also as tsv files
#57 - moisture related flux output only if moisture is enabled
#58 - user DBs now stored in roaming directory instead of local
#59 - fix calulation of overtemperature hours for non residential buildings (only usage time)
#60 - buttons of report preview changed

3.2.1 - 2018-08-22
#50 - link to online help fixed (oly german version)
#25 - link to TRAC for bug reports added

- translation update
- update of program description text for report also without new calculation

3.2.1 - 2018-07-19
#24 - program description text added to report
#39 - better description of temperature plot
#40 - ventilation mode 'DIN 4108-2' for normal model renamed to 'dependent on usage time'
#41 - export to pdf added to report preview
#18 - strange stray window at start fixed
#47 - improved/fixed LES/integrator/preconditioner command line options
#26 - program documentation created (online manual)
#45 - about and license texts updated
#44 - fixed default climate path for newly created projects
#46 - fix of moisture balance vs DIN input mode
#14 - DIN mode gives error on MAC about missing climate
#43 - results preview created for DIN report
#42 - ventilation rate charts added to report
#22 - report configurator size fixed

- many small fixes related to diagrams (consistent ordering, coloring etc.)
- various improvements in deployment on MAC and Linux systems
- DIN conform report inputs updated, including description for custom shading controls

3.2.1 - 2018-05-04
#31 - some text changes
#22 - size of first appearance of report extended
#37 - usage time and residential time for inner loads and basic air change corrected
#38 - temeprature tepending enhanced ventilation corrected

3.2.1 - 2018-04-25
#29 - report is now also possible in normal mode
#19 - tab order in project info dialog and DIN 4108 dialog changed (top to bottom)
#20 - header name 'Construction' changed to 'Variant'
#15 - color of line edits depends on state (string, number, read-only ...)
#30 - page setup implemented
#23 - german translation 'Close' corrected
#31 - some text and translations changed

3.2.1 - 2018-04-12
#11 - translation error fixed
#9 - connection error fixed

3.2.1 - 2018-03-22
Bug fixes:
- writing ccd files, so that they are valid cyclic data files
- units in states.tsv fixed

- dialog and selection for DIN 4108-2 assessment implemented
- save DIN 4108-2 assessment data inproject file
- report for output DIN 4108-2 results and inputs added
- activation implemented for pro version

3.2.0 - 2017-08-18
Bug fixes:
- Modelica model export fixed

- Chart engine updated
- Calculation report (first version) added

3.1.8 - 2017-07-26
Bug fixes:
- Mechanical ventilation model with heat recovery fixed
- Fixed CCD export for relative humidity
- Lower limit for time step adjusted to 1e-6 to avoid integrator error
- Added solar radiation ramping at sunrise/sunset to avoid discontinuity

- Climate Data update (Solar radiation invalid for some locations)

This is the last free version!

3.1.7 - 2017-03-08
- Climate data (TRY 2010) updated
- Auto-updater added

3.1.6 - 2017-01-27
- major performance boost for hygrothermal simulations (and thermal simulation as well) due
to new LES solver backend
- more command line options for solver selection

Bug fixes:
- Hiding/Showing of monthly thermal loads window fixed (related to moisture calculations)

3.1.5 - 2017-01-12
Bug fixes:
- solar radiation model's sun position (and building location) is now always synchronized
with location of climate station

3.1.4 - 2016-10-11

- Implemented support for predefined room temperatures (fixed zone) and annual spline data.
- new CCM library (updated/clarified cyclic climate usage)

Bug fixes:
- Fixed treatment of fixed-zone CCD file

3.1.3 - 2016-10-11

- new Qt library used (Qt 5.7)
- 64bit version provided, including 64bit FMU export

3.1.2 - 2016-08-09

- Source model for moisture loads added, user interface extended to allow moisture load input
- Added plot for moisture loads
- added moisture related outputs
- ideal cooling model extended to support ideal dehumidification
- test cases for hygrothermal model added
- adjusted display of scheduled data to show steps instead of linearly interpolated values (show
values as they are calculated, as step functions changing every hour)
- user interface library updated to Qt 5.7

Bug fixes:
- unit fixed for moisture load

3.1.1 - 2016-07-16

- Cooling model and mechanical ventilation model separated (can now be used combined
to model cooling with outside air)

Bug fixes:
- Temperature plot fix for current outputs
- Axis scaling after recalculation fixed

3.1.0 - 2016-07-14

- Professional Version features added (Report, DIN 4108-2 input widget)
- Software activation added for pro version, license agreement for free version added

3.0.12 - 2016-05-19

- Variable scaling for daily cycle input widgets implemented
- Detailed sorption isotherm data can be entered in material data files

Bug fixes:
- Thickness editing fixed (highlighting of background) in construction editor

3.0.11 - 2016-04-25

- Added support for predefined temperature data (ccd-file) to use for
fixed-zone temperatures

Bug fixes:
- Unit of equipment consumption diagram fixed
- Calculation of integral values (monthly/annual energy consumption) for
two-year simulation fixed
- Removed deprecated HVACControl library.
- Fixed display of monthly heat transfer in January of 2-year simulation
- Fixed display or error message when solver was aborted / stopped with internal error

3.0.10 - 2016-04-11

- Added moisture source model and input widget
- Material database updated (old project files and constructions may need to be updated)
- Construction database updated
- "New project" button added

3.0.9 - 2016-04-10

- Reading/writing of HVACControl data structures implemented
- cleanup of material db reader (removed old DB structure read code)

Bug fixes:
- Output of "Number of unknowns" fixed for hygrothermal calculations
- Units of material properties fixed in material library and material edit dialog
- Added addition point in sorption isotherm to fix conversion errors on input/output

3.0.8 - 2016-03-22

- Cleanup of heating model (PID control removed)
- Added support for 1/2 year simulations
- FMU ModelDescription flags updated

Bug fixes:
- Delphin export fixed

3.0.7 - 2016-01-05

- UTF8 Support implemented (file names, materials, outputs can now hold UTF8 characters)

Bug fixes:
- Several FMU export related bugs

3.0.6 - 2015-12-15

- FMU CoSim Export Core Functionality done

Bug fixes:
- Prevented accidental overwrite of built-in materials with user-defined materials

3.0.5 - 2015-12-11

- NANDRAD/Delphin project file export finished

3.0.4 - 2015-12-10

- Re-Implementation of gliding ambient temperature calculation (according to DIN)
- Export of materials and constructions in Delphin format
- FMU for CoSim functionality started

3.0.3 - 2015-10-30

- FMU export related feature changes
- Climate location info is shown in RoomModel dialog

3.0.2 - 2015-10-14

- Updated SparseMatrix implementation from IntegratorFramework

3.0.1 - 2015-10-14

- user-defined output time steps supported in console solver
- Radiation load outputs added
- output column headers improved (simplifies post-processing)
- climate station descriptions use filenames now (no longer directories)
- added support

Bug fixes:
- Added missing caption for states output.

3.0.0 - 2015-10-12

- Climate Calculation Module replaces old climate calculation functionality
- FMU Export Functionality (ModelExchange)
- more command line arguments for console solver
- testing framework added

Bug fixes:
- Updated numerical properties/constants of solver (more strict, a little slower)
- Fixed generation of ccd file outputs

2.2.0 - 2014-09-02

- maximum room area set to infinite
- added natural ventilation models
- added DIN 4108-2 calculation support (ventilation control)

Bug fixes:
- fixed combo-box selection of ventilation+cooling model
- fixed several moisture transport related bugs

- added support for new HVACControl library
- added sparse matrix Jacobian + ILU support for hygrothermal calculations

Bug fixes:
- saving/restoring of materials with hygrothermal storage data
- missing extensions on "Save as..." dialog

- Export dialog added (Ctrl+E), partial export to native Modelica code works, FMI export prepared

Bug fixes:
- Fixed several small bugs related to C to K change, fixed calculation of cooling model loads,
fixed conversion of relative humidity climate data (already given in ---).

- Window database updated
- Solar incidence angle calculation included for direct solar radiation

» Schließen

THERAKLES PROFESSIONAL - MacOS 64-Bit 3.4.1 TheraklesPro_3.4.1_macosx_2022-04-20.dmg24.5 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/therakles/TheraklesPro.changelog


MASTERSIM - Windows 64-Bit (link to GitHub) MasterSim_0.9.x_win64_2022-01-15.html0 MB Deutsch English 
MASTERSIM - MacOS 64-Bit (link to GitHub) MasterSim_0.9.x_macosx_2022-01-15.html0 MB Deutsch English 
MASTERSIM - Linux 64-Bit (link to GitHub) MasterSim_0.9.x_linux_2022-01-15.html0 MB Deutsch English 


NANDRAD Solver und Beispiele - Windows 64-Bit 1.6.4 Nandrad_1.6.4_win64_2019-05-14.7z1.5 MB English 


Remote Solver Server - Linux 64-Bit 1.3.1 RemoteSolverServer_1.3.1_linux_2020-04-17.7z0.5 MB English 
RSS-Client (Remote Solver Server - Client) - Windows 32-Bit 1.3.1 RemoteSolverClient_1.3.1_win_2020-04-16.exe5.7 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/RSS/RemoteSolverClient.changelog
RSS-Client (Remote Solver Server - Client) - MacOS 64-Bit 1.3.1 RemoteSolverClient_1.3.1_macosx_2020-04-16.dmg11.8 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/RSS/RemoteSolverClient.changelog
RSS-Client (Remote Solver Server - Client) - Linux 64-Bit 1.3.1 RemoteSolverClient_1.3.1_linux_2020-04-17.7z0.5 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/RSS/RemoteSolverClient.changelog
Dokumentation for Remote Solver Server (RSS) Setup and Client. Nicolai_RemoteSolverServer.pdf0.4 MB English 


CCMEDITOR - Windows 64-Bit 1.0.3 CCMEditor_1.0.3_win64_2023_10_24.exe8 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/utilities/CCMEditor.changelog
CCMEDITOR - Linux 64-Bit 1.0.2 CCMEditor_1.0.2_linux_2022-09-15.7z0.9 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/utilities/CCMEditor.changelog
CCMEDITOR - MacOS 64-Bit 1.0.1 CCMEditor_1.0.1_macosx_2021-07-13.dmg1.7 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/utilities/CCMEditor.changelog

Verfügbare Sprachen

DELPHIN 6 liegt in deutscher, englischer, französischer und italienischer Sprache vor. DELPHIN 5 ist nur in englisch erhältlich.
Für die Programme COND, THERAKLES und den Postprocessor gibt es eine deutsche und eine englische Version.

Für alle Programme, mit Ausnahme von DELPHIN 5, sind zukünftig weitere Sprachen zu erwarten.

Unterstützte Betriebssysteme

Die Windows-Versionen sind getestet auf Windows 7, 8, 8.1 und 10. Für die meisten Programme gibt es jeweils 32-Bit und 64-Bit Versionen, wobei wir die 64-Bit Version auf 64-Bit Betriebssystemen empfehlen.
Für den Fall, dass Windows XP Versionen benötigt werden, senden Sie uns bitte eine Support-Anfrage. Offiziell wird Windows XP jedoch nicht mehr unterstützt.

Mac Versionen laufen, sofern nicht anders angegeben, unter Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) oder neueren Versionen. Um unsere Software auf dem Mac unter neueren Versionen auszuführen, muss man entweder die Sicherheitseinstellungen anpassen, sodass Software auch aus anderen Quellen als dem Apple-Store ausgeführt werden kann. Alternativ kann man auch auf die Anwendungsdatei im Finder Rechts-klicken und Öffnen auswählen. Im daraufhin angezeigten Dialog kann man nun das Öffnen der Software bestätigen, sodass in Zukunft nicht mehr nachgefragt wird.

Linux Versionen werden ohne die in den üblichen Distributionspaketen vorhandenen Laufzeitbibliotheken verteilt. Daher müssen die passenden Bibliothekspakete, vornehmlich die Qt 5 Bibliothek, installiert sein. Die Linux-Versionen wurden unter Ubuntu 18.04 (LTS) erstellt und sollten daher auf vergleichbar alten Distributionen und neueren Linux-Ausgaben lauffähig sein (es werden die Qt 5.9 Bibliotheken erwartet).

Die 7-Zip Archive lassen sich durch folgende Befehlszeile entpacken:

p7zip -d <archive>


Kommerzielle Softwareversionen müssen nach der Installation aktiviert werden. Nähere Informationen zu verfügbaren Lizenzvarianten und Lizenzbedingungen entnehmen Sie bitte den entsprechenden Software-Bestell-Seiten. Bitte senden Sie eine E-Mail an, falls Sie ein formelles Angebot erhalten möchten.

Alte Softwareversionen

Auf Nachfrage können Sie auch ältere Softwareversionen erhalten, die im Download nicht mehr zur Verfügung stehen. Eventuell können wir auch bei Bedarf Versionen für ältere MacOS Versionen erstellen. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns in diesem Fall über die im Impressum angegebene E-Mail-Adresse.


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