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COND - Windows 32-Bit/64-Bit 2.4.4 Cond_2.4.4_win_2024-08-07.exe11.2 MB Deutsch English Italian Open the changelog file for /downloads/cond/Cond.changelog
COND - Linux 64-Bit 2.4.4 Cond_2.4.4_linux_2024-08-15.7z3.6 MB Deutsch English Italian Open the changelog file for /downloads/cond/Cond.changelog
COND - MacOS 64-Bit 2.4.3 Cond_2.4.3_macosx_2023-08-25.dmg15.8 MB Deutsch English Italian Open the changelog file for /downloads/cond/Cond.changelog
COND - MacOS 64-Bit 2.4.1 Cond_2.4.1_macosx_2021-02-02.dmg16.4 MB Deutsch English Italian Open the changelog file for /downloads/cond/Cond.changelog
COND - MacOS 64-Bit (OSX 10.7 or newer) 2.1.3 Cond_2.1.3_osx10.7.5_macosx_int.dmg11.4 MB Deutsch English Italian Open the changelog file for /downloads/cond/Cond.changelog


DELPHIN 6 - Windows 64-Bit 6.1.6 Delphin_6.1.6_win64_2023-09-08.exe24.6 MB Deutsch English French Italian Open the changelog file for /downloads/delphin/Delphin_6.changelog
DELPHIN 6 - MacOS 64-Bit 6.1.6 Delphin_6.1.6_macosx_2023-08-25.dmg46.2 MB Deutsch English French Italian Open the changelog file for /downloads/delphin/Delphin_6.changelog
DELPHIN 6 - Linux 64-Bit 6.1.6 Delphin_6.1.6_linux_2023-08-17.7z20.3 MB Deutsch English French Italian Open the changelog file for /downloads/delphin/Delphin_6.changelog
DELPHIN 6 - MacOS 64-Bit 6.1.5 Delphin_6.1.5_macosx_2022-12-01.dmg44.8 MB Deutsch English French Italian Open the changelog file for /downloads/delphin/Delphin_6.changelog
DELPHIN 5.9.6 - Windows 32-Bit - en 5.9.6 Delphin_5.9.6_win_en.exe36.2 MB English Open the changelog file for /downloads/delphin/Delphin.changelog
DELPHIN-Solver 5.9.6 - Linux 64-Bit - en Delphin-solver_5.9.6_linux_2020-03-07.zip1.2 MB English Open the changelog file for /downloads/delphin/Delphin.changelog

Release notes for » Schließen

For details on bugs and features see task tracker - - and enter the number in the input field at the top right.

5.9.6 from 28.01.2019
- error for air flow source model and vertical flow direction fixed

5.9.6 from 28.01.2019
- heat pipe model uses now Temperatures of each surrounding element instead of mean temperature
- material database update
- postproc:
* fix error for logaritmic axis label settings
* additional error messages

5.9.5 from 04.05.2018
- fix for wrong calculation of supply and return temperature for heat pipe boundary condition energy mode

5.9.5 from 19.04.2018
- fix some character encoding problems in PostProc
- fix PostProc update failure in case of start from output dialog

5.9.5 from 22.03.2018
- fix special character handling in climate import dialog
- fix wrong name conversion for climate location and wall data naming

5.9.5 from 06.03.2018
- fix wrong setting of parameter field in BoundaryEdit
- fix missing set for TRY 2010 in climate add

5.9.5 from 28.02.2018
- longitude and timezone for location added to walldata and walldata dialog
- reading location data from description.xml in climate data implemented
- time correction (global to local time) for sun model implemented (used only if longitude and timezone are present)
- calculation rain runoff and whose enthalpy implemented - also calculated for water tight surfaces
- outputs for water enthalpy, dew point temperature, rain runoff and rain runoff enthalpy added
- Postproc: calculation of dew point temperature added

5.9.4 from 08.02.2018
- boundary model 'heat pipe' expanded and patched
- dialog for water source behaviour change (handling default flags)
- Postproc:
* output exceed time for WTA wood degradation model added
* calculating integral of selection in 2D spreadsheet implemented
* setting dialog for isopleth model fixed

5.9.4 from 29.01.2018
- Climate data for TRY 1986 now installed in folder with name 'TRY 1986' in order to avoid mistakes
- indoor climat data removed from database (use generator)
- unit for output of short and long wave radiation corrected to W/m2
- PostProc changes
* Isopleth handling implemented
* loading of binary DELPHIN 6 ouput data implemented

5.9.4 from 13.12.2017
- error fixed - double application of shift value for climate
- clipping for neagtive moisture content moved to point before temperature calculation in HM decomposition (avoid wrong temperatures)
- check for correct assignment of contact conditions added (cannot be at boundary)
- some special character handling for error and warning messages implemented
- fix error in foil database handling (doubling entries while using)
- material database update
* one new material (loam stone)
* MRC and rMRC functions corrected for many materials (begin and end point, pC(Thetal=0) set to 12)
- help file update

5.9.3 from 16.11.2017
- postprocessing fixes
* fix enable error in two series calculation
* fix exception in time area calculation
* fix special character problems in legend, data dialog and time area dialog
- some pure thermal materials added (copper alloys, stainless steel, plastics)
- show Kirchhoff potential curve and derivation of moisture retention in additional material dialog and material function export

5.9.3 from 29.09.2017
- complete material database now included (including deprecated and removed materials)
- filter for deprecated materials added to material database view

5.9.3 from 17.08.2017
- fix handling of paths and filenames with special characters while exporting and importing material files
- Postproc: fix wrong time point cut setting while create cuts from 4D outputs
- fix wrong material name setting while import material data into project
- descriptions for foil contact conditions changed
- update material database

5.9.3 from 02.08.2017
- fix for keywords in config file for tmy2 climate converting
- preset values for contact condition air mat interface for heat and vapor fixed
- update help
* field condition description
* contact condition description
* list of possible outputs

5.9.3 from 26.07.2017
- fixes in PostProcessing:
* fix for reading D4 output data (isoplethes)
* smoothing added to analyze
* fix in info dialog in case of more than one series
- output units in case of time integration fixed
- material data export for D6 fixed

5.9.3 from 29.06.2017
- output for rain flow density normal to surface fixed

5.9.3 from 09.06.2017
- material data update (mainly comments for moisture depending vapor retarder)

5.9.3 from 29.05.2017
- fix for import/export of project packages for use path with special characters
- fixes for D6 export of field conditions
- error messages extended

5.9.2 from 15.05.2017
- stainless stell added to material database
- fix error messages for foils model (contact conditions)
- fix some foils data (missing high RH value)

5.9.2 from 08.05.2017
- fixes in PostProcessing:
* fix time step calculation in wood degradation and two series calculation
* default unit for D6 outputs set to days
- fix empty keywords for D6 export

5.9.2 from 21.04.2017
- fixes in PostProcessing:
* dialog for wood damage model according WTA 6.8 added
* default view for join data sets changed

5.9.2 from 04.04.2017
- fixes in PostProcessing:
* setting units for linear and sqare approximation
* setting time unit for 2D and 3D Delphin6 outputs to days per default
- changes in material database

5.9.2 from 16.03.2017
- fix in climate import wizard in order to handle uppercase character extensions
- unit for vapor diffusion resistance for contact condition 'additional resistance' set to m

5.9.2 from 21.02.2017
- dont't make ice calculations for materials without moisture storage
- fix for correct setting of freeze/thaw calculation class

5.9.2 from 14.02.2017
- material database update
- internal material database reload in case of changed database path (in prferences)
- fix for selection of correct relative path for climate condition
- fix for wrong string conversions (special characters) in output format and grid
- some geometry fixes for edit dialogs (WatSource, FieldEdit)
- Postprocessing:
* diagram title error fixed
* wood degradation model error fixed
* new calculation options (absolute relative humidity and vapor pressure from relative humidity and temperature)

5.9.2 from 20.01.2017
- material database update
- climate database update
- PostProc changes:
* name of wood degradation dialog changed
* fix for wrong determination of global Max/min axis format
- material list dialog:
* view name of global material DB path in dialog caption
* reset internal material list in case of change material DB path in preferences

5.9.2 from 19.12.2016
- fix for wrong handling of time limits in field conditions
- fix for wrong path names in package export
- added functionality in Postprocessing - can create absolute mousture content and vapor pressure from temperature and relative humidity

5.9.2 from 21.11.2016
- bug fix for thermal conductivity convection model (wrong check)

5.9.2 from 18.11.2016
- fix in PostProc in order to avoid exceptions in case of non valid filenames
- changed behaviour for flow coefficient model for boundary condition 'air pressure'
- change in calculation of VTT wood degradation (allow decrease for really high activation values)

5.9.2 from 14.11.2016
- fix for possible exception while saving chart files
- export climate data to clipboard added to ClimateEditDialog
- fix in indoor climate dialog - error was file not found
- additional error information for indoor climate generator

5.9.2 from 02.11.2016
- new version for activation and indoor climate generator (Qt5)
- some special character problems in Postprocessing fixed
- fix for wood degradation model in PostProc

5.9.1 from 13.10.2016
- 64Bit version of delphin_solver added

5.9.1 from 07.09.2016
- fix for wrong overwriting initial conditions
- fix for special charactes in output filenames

5.9.1 from 21.07.2016
- font size adaption for use on high resolution monitors
- condition names now stored as UTF8

5.9.1 from 12.04.2016
- Foils model for contact conditions implemented - handels also moisture adaptive and direction dependent vapor barriers
- Foils database added
- edit dialogs for contact conditions updated
- two new field conditions
* longwave radiation exchange with surrounding
* directed air flow in an air space
- edit dialogs for field conditions updated
- material database update

5.8.3 from 13.01.2016
- fix for crash in indoor climate generator
- documentation update
- fix for units in VTT-models (mould and wood degradation)

5.8.3 from 03.12.2015
- fix wrong initialisation in case of only moisture calculation and restart

5.8.3 from 10.11.2015
- fix for update problem of material calculator

5.8.3 from 12.08.2015
- update of documentation (section for balance equations, climate conditions and boundary conditions)
- design of boundary edit dialog changed

5.8.3 from 17.07.2015
- Indoor climate generator tool included (according DIN 13788)
- all condition dialogs resizable

5.8.3 from 10.07.2015
- missing output formats while using output wizard fixed
- correct time unit for ViitanenWoodDegradationModel

5.8.3 from 01.04.2015
- new material data base introducted
- new calculating algorithm due to average methode adjusted
- project pakage functionality for import/export as a new feature
- generation of indoor climat data according DIN-EN 13788 via Excel file

- validated according:
* HAMSTAD Benchmark 1 -5
* DIN EN ISO 10211 Fall 1 - 2
* DIN EN 15026
* Wetting drying test

Link auf QUCOSA[id]=12896

DELPHIN 5.8.1 - 12.03.2015

Bug fixes:
- FS#274 Check material with ID 493 against 530

- FS#268 Describe inclination unmistakable ...
- FS#265 Default Energy Balance should be set in Simulation Settings
- FS#255 Post Proc Data Exporter should use time variable instead of zone export time series
- FS#254 log files not found after internal solver run
- FS#253 checkbox update Grid creates UPDATE_GRID but doen't remove it when unchecked
- FS#248 Solverstatistics in Internal Solver need refresh
- FS#247 Examples need a correct ProjectInfo
- FS#241 help button in run batch dialoge point nowere in raised Help
- FS#230 AGB missing in Delphin 5 Copyright box
- FS#228 Tool Tipps im Postproc
- FS#210 New Field condition for materials as mineral wool
- FS#152 .outputs file option is ignored
- FS#151 Material View -> Beim resize/schliessen des Fensters verruecken die Diagramme und werden nicht lesbar
- FS#147 Create custom/user directories if they not exist
- FS#142 indoor climate EN 15026 or EN 13788

5.8.1 from 18.09.2014
- climate path in package export fixed
- package structure contains now a root path with the name of the project

5.8.1 from 08.09.2014

- maximum and minimum water content added as parameter to simple water source
- error in case of equal climate or material file names for export project packages fixed

5.8.1 from 19.06.2014
- fix in Add Climate Data
* IWEC and TMY location read bug fixed
* error in for different formats in case of TRY 1985 fixed
- 2 new outputs
* normal shortwave radiation flux
* normal longwave radiation exchange

5.8.1 from 23.05.2014
- Crash while using 'Add to Batch' fixed

5.8.1 from 9.5.2014
- Material database update:
* non valid dates removed
* new production and sample dates added
* 5 new mineral wool kinds added from literature
* categories will be saved as text instead of numbers
- wrong file extension for material files in Import, Export and Replace fixed
- file extension for output data now always .out (if manually set or not)
- bugfix im Package-Export - climate files in correct path

5.8.1 from 30.01.2014

- Climate data from TRY 2011 (without rain) added.
- new material data set Multipor (ID 643) exchange old data set (ID 595)
- Bugfix for climate assistant:
* climate list wil showed again
* while climate selection a path to a user climate database can bes set

» Schließen


POSTPROC 2 - Windows 64-Bit 2.5.2 PostProc_2.5.2_win64_2024-07-10.exe10.1 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/postproc/PostProc.changelog
POSTPROC 2 - MacOS 64-Bit 2.5.2 PostProc_2.5.2_macosx_2024-07-10.dmg14.3 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/postproc/PostProc.changelog
POSTPROC 2 - Linux 64-Bit 2.5.2 PostProc_2.5.2_linux_2024-07-10.7z2.2 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/postproc/PostProc.changelog
POSTPROC 2 - Windows 64-Bit 2.5.1 PostProc_2.5.1_win64_2024-06-27.exe10.1 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/postproc/PostProc.changelog
POSTPROC 2 - MacOS 64-Bit 2.5.1 PostProc_2.5.1_macosx_2024-06-27.dmg14.3 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/postproc/PostProc.changelog
POSTPROC 2 - Linux 64-Bit 2.5.1 PostProc_2.5.1_linux_2024-06-27.7z2.2 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/postproc/PostProc.changelog
POSTPROC 2 - Windows 64-Bit 2.5.0 PostProc_2.5.0_win64_2024-06-10.exe10.1 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/postproc/PostProc.changelog
POSTPROC 2 - MacOS 64-Bit 2.5.0 PostProc_2.5.0_macosx_2024-06-10.dmg14.3 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/postproc/PostProc.changelog
POSTPROC 2 - Linux 64-Bit 2.5.0 PostProc_2.5.0_linux_2024-06-10.7z2.2 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/postproc/PostProc.changelog
POSTPROC 2 - Windows 64-Bit 2.4.0 PostProc_2.4.0_win64_2023-11-26.exe10.1 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/postproc/PostProc.changelog
POSTPROC 2 - MacOS 64-Bit 2.4.0 PostProc_2.4.0_macosx_2023-11-26.dmg14.2 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/postproc/PostProc.changelog
POSTPROC 2 - Linux 64-Bit 2.4.0 PostProc_2.4.0_linux_2023-11-26.7z2.2 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/postproc/PostProc.changelog
POSTPROC 2 - Windows 32-Bit 2.2.3 PostProc_2.2.3_win_2021-02-22.exe7.7 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/postproc/PostProc.changelog


THERAKLES - MacOS 64-Bit 3.4.2 Therakles_3.4.2_macosx_2023-08-25.dmg23.9 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/therakles/Therakles.changelog
THERAKLES - Windows 32-Bit 3.2.1 Therakles_3.2.1_win_2018-07-18.exe13.9 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/therakles/Therakles.changelog
THERAKLES - Windows 64-Bit 3.2.1 Therakles_3.2.1_win64_2018-07-18.exe17.5 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/therakles/Therakles.changelog
THERAKLES - MacOS 64-Bit 3.2.1 Therakles_3.2.1_macosx_2018-07-18.dmg18.1 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/therakles/Therakles.changelog
THERAKLES - Linux 64-Bit 3.2.1 Therakles_3.2.1_linux_2018-07-19.7z5.8 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/therakles/Therakles.changelog
THERAKLES PROFESSIONAL - Windows 64-Bit 3.4.2 TheraklesPro_3.4.2_win64_2023-08-28.exe12.6 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/therakles/TheraklesPro.changelog
THERAKLES PROFESSIONAL - MacOS 64-Bit 3.4.2 TheraklesPro_3.4.2_macosx_2023-08-25.dmg24.5 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/therakles/TheraklesPro.changelog
THERAKLES PROFESSIONAL - Linux 64-Bit 3.4.2 TheraklesPro_3.4.2_linux_2023-08-28.7z5.2 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/therakles/TheraklesPro.changelog
THERAKLES PROFESSIONAL - MacOS 64-Bit 3.4.1 TheraklesPro_3.4.1_macosx_2022-04-20.dmg24.5 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/therakles/TheraklesPro.changelog


MASTERSIM - Windows 64-Bit (link to GitHub) MasterSim_0.9.x_win64_2022-01-15.html0 MB Deutsch English 
MASTERSIM - MacOS 64-Bit (link to GitHub) MasterSim_0.9.x_macosx_2022-01-15.html0 MB Deutsch English 
MASTERSIM - Linux 64-Bit (link to GitHub) MasterSim_0.9.x_linux_2022-01-15.html0 MB Deutsch English 


NANDRAD Solver und Beispiele - Windows 64-Bit 1.6.4 Nandrad_1.6.4_win64_2019-05-14.7z1.5 MB English 


Remote Solver Server - Linux 64-Bit 1.3.1 RemoteSolverServer_1.3.1_linux_2020-04-17.7z0.5 MB English 
RSS-Client (Remote Solver Server - Client) - Windows 32-Bit 1.3.1 RemoteSolverClient_1.3.1_win_2020-04-16.exe5.7 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/RSS/RemoteSolverClient.changelog
RSS-Client (Remote Solver Server - Client) - MacOS 64-Bit 1.3.1 RemoteSolverClient_1.3.1_macosx_2020-04-16.dmg11.8 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/RSS/RemoteSolverClient.changelog
RSS-Client (Remote Solver Server - Client) - Linux 64-Bit 1.3.1 RemoteSolverClient_1.3.1_linux_2020-04-17.7z0.5 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/RSS/RemoteSolverClient.changelog
Dokumentation for Remote Solver Server (RSS) Setup and Client. Nicolai_RemoteSolverServer.pdf0.4 MB English 


CCMEDITOR - Windows 64-Bit 1.0.3 CCMEditor_1.0.3_win64_2023_10_24.exe8 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/utilities/CCMEditor.changelog
CCMEDITOR - Linux 64-Bit 1.0.2 CCMEditor_1.0.2_linux_2022-09-15.7z0.9 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/utilities/CCMEditor.changelog
CCMEDITOR - MacOS 64-Bit 1.0.1 CCMEditor_1.0.1_macosx_2021-07-13.dmg1.7 MB Deutsch English Open the changelog file for /downloads/utilities/CCMEditor.changelog

Verfügbare Sprachen

DELPHIN 6 liegt in deutscher, englischer, französischer und italienischer Sprache vor. DELPHIN 5 ist nur in englisch erhältlich.
Für die Programme COND, THERAKLES und den Postprocessor gibt es eine deutsche und eine englische Version.

Für alle Programme, mit Ausnahme von DELPHIN 5, sind zukünftig weitere Sprachen zu erwarten.

Unterstützte Betriebssysteme

Die Windows-Versionen sind getestet auf Windows 7, 8, 8.1 und 10. Für die meisten Programme gibt es jeweils 32-Bit und 64-Bit Versionen, wobei wir die 64-Bit Version auf 64-Bit Betriebssystemen empfehlen.
Für den Fall, dass Windows XP Versionen benötigt werden, senden Sie uns bitte eine Support-Anfrage. Offiziell wird Windows XP jedoch nicht mehr unterstützt.

Mac Versionen laufen, sofern nicht anders angegeben, unter Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) oder neueren Versionen. Um unsere Software auf dem Mac unter neueren Versionen auszuführen, muss man entweder die Sicherheitseinstellungen anpassen, sodass Software auch aus anderen Quellen als dem Apple-Store ausgeführt werden kann. Alternativ kann man auch auf die Anwendungsdatei im Finder Rechts-klicken und Öffnen auswählen. Im daraufhin angezeigten Dialog kann man nun das Öffnen der Software bestätigen, sodass in Zukunft nicht mehr nachgefragt wird.

Linux Versionen werden ohne die in den üblichen Distributionspaketen vorhandenen Laufzeitbibliotheken verteilt. Daher müssen die passenden Bibliothekspakete, vornehmlich die Qt 5 Bibliothek, installiert sein. Die Linux-Versionen wurden unter Ubuntu 18.04 (LTS) erstellt und sollten daher auf vergleichbar alten Distributionen und neueren Linux-Ausgaben lauffähig sein (es werden die Qt 5.9 Bibliotheken erwartet).

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p7zip -d <archive>


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