DELPHIN is a multi-lingual simulation program for the coupled heat, moisture, and matter transport in porous building materials. The DELPHIN software is used for a range of different applications:
Design/Engineering Practice
DELPHIN is used for:
- Calculation of thermal bridges including evaluation of hygrothermal problem areas (surface condensation, interstitial condensation)
- Design and evaluation of inside insulation systems
- Evaluation of ventilated facade systems, ventilated roofs
- Transient calculation of annual heating energy demand (under consideration of moisture dependent thermal conductivity)
- Drying problems (basements, construction moisture, flood, ...)
- Calculation of mold growth risks
- ... and further applications
Hygrothermal Simulation of Thermal Bridge (steel beam) [Enlarge with click on image]
Research and Development
DELPHIN is used in research and development for:
- Material developmen and optimization
- Research of salt transport and salt related damage and degration of building materials
- Description of pollutant/VOC transport (emission) in multi-layered constructions and materials
- ... and several other research areas
Specials of the DELPHIN Software
The DELPHIN program has a number of advantageous features:
- State-of-the-Art models for physical processes (current state of research)
- very efficient solver (see Benchmarks)
- clear and user friendly program interface (short learning curve)
- direct control of all input values and physical model parameters
- editable material and climate data
- detailed outputs of calculated values and intermediate results
- integrated grid generation and post-processing tool
- flexibly applicable for different tasks (1D, 2D, ...)
- reasonable License (free for students, academic license for research and education)
- frequent updates, new features are made available quickly
- good e-mail and phone support (for commercial licenses)
- Training and seminars for users from design practice, researchers, and students
The software can be downloaded and tested from the download directory as time limited, but otherwise full version.
After the installation a form has to be completed and sent to the developers to get a temporary compute-bound licence code.
| | Features of the DELPHIN Software
Here You can get more information about the advantageous features of DELPHIN.
Consideration of climate impacts and special conditions:
- Rising damp with pressure depending on height
- Contains a climate data base
- Calculation of different radiation types (longwave, shortwave, diffuse, direct etc.), wind driven rain or air pressure possible
- Usage of arbitrary or own climate data
- Import of climate formats possible: TRY, IWEC, TMY2, WAC/HRY
- Local very fine assignment of climate possible (e.g. in building joints)
- Import of climate data from own room climate calculations (e.g. from Therakles)
- Detailed modelling of surface exchange conditions possible
- Definition of temporarily existing impacts possible (climate or accidents)
- Cooling of surfaces by down running rain
- Gravitation can be taken into account
Material modelling:
- Exactly examined and verified material functions
- All material properties can be varied
- New material properties and materials can be defined
- Detailed information on all used material properties
- Contains a large material data base
- Three-dimensional, anisotropic material properties (DELPHIN 6 only)
Modelling of details:
- Free definition of initial conditions
- Assignment of time dependent moisture and heat sources (caused by local heating or disasters)
- Very flexible generation and assignment of result outputs (monitoring points)
- Modelling of wall and floor heating as well as ceiling cooling
- Involving of tube flow
- Involving of PCM materials (function still under development)
- Assignment of air change rates in cavities of the construction
- Definition of contact conditions inside construction (liquid water resistant or vapor transport resistant)
- Consideration of external long term thermal storages
- Exchange of long wave radiation in cavities
- Air convection model included
- Moisture import trough leakages in wooden constructions according WTA leaflet 6-2
- Control of water regime in flat roofs
Possibilities for output visualization and assessment:
- Very flexible, versatile generation of charts and two- or three-dimensional charts
- Very large spectrum of outputs: temperature, humidity, water mass and moisture contents in Vol% or M% etc, percentage of water saturation, ice forming, capillary pressure, over-hygroscopic moisture, heat and moisture sources etc.
- Calculation of freeze-thaw-cycles
- Calculation of mold growth according VTT-model (Viitanen)
- Calculation of wood damage according VTT-model (Viitanen)
- Calculation of wood decay according WTA leaflet 6-8
- Output of energy moisture (vapor and liquid water) and air fluxes
- Isopleth systems regarding mould and wood destruction
- Laminar air flow in interesting parts of the construction
Further features:
- One-, two- and rotationally symmetric three-dimensional calculations (DELPHIN 5) resp. full threedimensional calculations (DELPHIN 6)
- Simultaneous calculations possible
- Creation of batch files possible
- Automatic or manual discretization of geometric structures
- VOC transport can be taken into account
- Free definition of simulation start time
- Editing of project files with text editor possible