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Validation according to HAMSTAD Benchmarks
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Validation of Calculation Algorithm with HAMSTAD Benchmarks

The HAMSTAD Benchmarks aim at testing and verifying implementation of a standardized physical transport model for typical application cases of the hygrothermal simulation. The Benchmark cases are all one-dimensional problems.

Details on validation can be found in the following publication:

Luisa Sontag, Andreas Nicolai, Stefan Vogelsang,
Validierung der Solverimplementierung des hygrothermischen Simulationsprogramms DELPHIN,
2013, Qucosa, urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa-128968

The gray lines in the diagrams show the anonymized results of other hygrothermal simulation tools that simulated the HAMSTAD benchmarks.

HAMSTAD Benchmark 1

HAMSTAD Benchmark 2

HAMSTAD Benchmark 3

HAMSTAD Benchmark 4

HAMSTAD Benchmark 5


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