SIM-VICUS areas of application

thermal bridges
Detaillierte Berechnung von Wärmebrücken

interior insulation
Detailed calculation and dimensioning of interior insulation

Ventilated roofs / facades
Modelling of ventilated facades and roofs and moisture loads

Mold growth
Evaluation of mold growth on surfaces

mold growth
Evaluation of mold growth on surfaces

Function overview
Optimized 3D visualization

In SIM-VICUS, the entire parameterization is carried out with 3D building data. This means that, on the one hand, the entire building is graphically modelled and created on the basis of 3D interior surfaces and, on the other hand, that parameters are assigned directly to the object (e.g. underfloor heating) and these are also visualized graphically with false colors.
Excellent quality management

With SIM-VICUS, all parameters can be displayed and checked dynamically via the 3D interface. This allows the user to maintain an overview of the project and efficiently ensure the correctness of the data entered. This takes the quality management of data integrity to a new level.
Modern solver technology and efficient code base

SIM-VICUS is a modern building simulation platform for the dynamic evaluation of the energy efficiency of a building. It was specially developed to efficiently calculate particularly complex and large buildings and manage the necessary data volumes. At the same time, the integrated physical models have a high level of detail, which is useful for the dynamic description of the building. The SIM-VICUS solver is specially optimized for such building simulation models and corresponds to the state of the art in terms of the numerical methods used.
The SIM-VICUS user interface was also developed in resource-efficient C++ code – the software runs smoothly even on 10-year-old notebooks/Macs (no need to buy expensive workstation PCs).
Lightning-fast building modeling

SIM-VICUS is currently able to import IDF files and IFC files and develop simulatable models from architectural models at lightning speed.
In addition, rooms, roofs and complex shapes can be created via extensive parameterization dialogs.
This means that three-dimensional simulation models can be created in the shortest possible time and are ready for further use.
Advanced district modeling

SIM-VICUS offers support for thermal-hydraulic pipe networks and associated network components. You can describe entire district networks (and import the necessary geometry from GIS sources, for example). In addition, it is possible to link individual detailed building models with internal hydraulic networks (heating systems, etc.) directly to district networks and to solve these district and building models together.
FMI compatibility

SIM-VICUS offers support for thermal-hydraulic pipe networks and associated network components. You can describe entire district networks (and import the necessary geometry from GIS sources, for example). In addition, it is possible to link individual detailed building models with internal hydraulic networks (heating systems, etc.) directly to district networks and to solve these district and building models together.